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Once all cards have been dealt, the game will start by each player having a minute to speak. During their minute, players can say practically anything they wish. (The only restrictions to what players are allowed to say are listed in the “Faults and Infractions” section of the rules). Each player will start with the phrase: “Good morning village”. If the player wishes to end his time before the one-minute mark, the player will say: “Thank you village”. After every player has spoken, provided no one has been nominated for voting, the game master will announce that the “Village goes to sleep”. This means that everyone puts on their masks. Once the village is asleep, the game master will direct individual players to wake up and perform the unique ability their card requires. After a player has woken up and performed his role, the game master will direct that player to go back to sleep and move on to waking up the next role.
Once every player with an ability has woken up and performed their task, the game master will direct all players to wake up by removing their masks with the phrase: “Village wake up”.
After all players have removed their masks, the game master will announce any fatalities, if there are such, from the previous night. Any players who were eliminated will have one minute for their final word, before they exit the game. When all eliminated players from the previous night have left the table, each player will once again receive one minute to voice their opinions, observations, and suspicions. During this allotted time, players can nominate those they suspect and want to eliminate through the voting process. Voting will occur after everyone at the table has had the opportunity to speak, and only if there are at least two players nominated.

The maniac is a black card. The maniac will wake up once per night, when directed by the game master, and indicated who he will kill. The maniac kills at random and can select both red and black cards to kill. The maniac has no allegiance and plays to win for himself. The maniac wins when he is left one on one with a red card. The mafia cannot win while the maniac is still in the game. Build your alliances carefully, and don’t let anyone catch on to who you truly are.
The lover is a red card. The lover will wake up once per night, when directed by the game master, and indicate who she will “spend the night with”. The lover can select anyone in the village, including herself, but never twice in a row. “Spending the night” with a player gives that player immunity from being voted for on the following day. However, if the lover is killed during the night, whoever she spent the night with will die with her. Black cards fear this player, as they know that by killing her, they risk killing themselves.
The mafia is a black card. The mafia wakes up at night together with the mafia don, as directed by the game master, and selects their victim. The mafia don will always have the last say in who the victim is. The mafia wins when an equal number of red and black cards is left in the village.
The sheriff is a red card. The sheriff will wake up once during the night, when directed by the game master. The sheriff searches for any black cards. After receiving an answer from the game master, the sheriff goes back to sleep. The sheriff is a direct counter to the mafia don. If the mafia don is the official leader of the black cards, the sheriff is the unofficial leader of the red cards. However, the village should be careful who they believe to be the real sheriff.
The citizen is a red card. He does not wake up during the night to perform any function. The citizen’s main role in the village is to listen and analyze what other players have to say. Using logic and vigilance, the citizen nominates any suspected black cards for voting. Red cards win when there are no more black cards left in the village.
The mafia don is the head of the mafia and a black card. The mafia don will wake up twice during the night, when directed by the game master: first, together with his mafia to select a victim, and second, by himself to search for the sheriff. The mafia don has the right to select himself as the target. The don’s word is always final when it comes to selecting a victim.
The doctor is a red card. The doctor will wake up once per night, when directed by the game master, and indicate who he will “heal”. The doctor can select anyone in the village, including himself, but never twice in a row. “Healing” a player gives that player immunity from death for that night. Be careful, don’t let the mafia catch on to which night you healed yourself – remember the doctor can’t heal himself or anyone else twice in a row.